Meat Meat: a performance

Meat postcard with title and names 72dpi

Meat Meet: a performance served in three courses
by Jenny McMaster & Karina Bergmans
Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:00pm-8:00pm
Gallery 101
51B Young Street 
In 2006, Jenny McMaster and Karina Bergmans presented The Cake Show, a performance inspired by the visual similarities between women’s clothing and pastry decoration as well as the communal importance of sharing the classic desert. The Cake Show delved into the subjects of both festivity and feminism through wearable cake dresses donned by the artists. A decade of independent practice later, Jenny and Karina now collaborate on a new performance entitled Meat Meet an event which broaches the controversial topic of the place of meat consumption in our society.
Link to Facebook invite HERE
Jenny McMaster and Karina Bergmans gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the City of Ottawa.
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