Karina Bergmans

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getting ready...new work

Things are speeding up around here....Good thing I took a holiday last month, the calm before the storm.  I have been bustling around in preparation for my upcoming solo exhibition at the Atrium Gallery, opening Oct 7.  I posted an album to the left, many of the images have been around for a while, new images coming soon, just as soon as I get the chance to document everything.  Here's the last piece I made for the show.  Its called Yellow (with Flagella).  I just love that word flagella.  ha!  The piece turned out pretty well too :)


The other album I posted is of the soon-to-open Gallery 155b.  Mr. Chris Healey is the mastermind behind  this operation. I added some images of the state it is in now, which are the 'before' pictures.  I will have some work in the inaugural show on September 28.  He interviewed me for a video blog which I will post shortly.  What is the handiest thing about 155b is that it taking shape in the room adjacent to my studio.  Needless to say, it will be easy to transport the art work to gallery.  Sweet!
