Ligaments and Ligatures Estevan Art Gallery and Museum     Artist Statement  Our most basic concerns as human beings are communication and the body. A ligature refers to the typographic concept of two letters fused together to form a new letter (æ)
 Lungs, 2013, Wire, foam, scrap silk wedding dress pieces, fabric, yarn, rope, 70” x 80” x 15”
 LungsPneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, 2011, wire, scrap silk wedding dress pieces, fabric, yarn, rope, 51” x 60” x 6”
 Detail, LungsPneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, 2011
 Bloodclot, 2008, Wire, wool, string, assorted textiles, styrofoam, tulle,  68” x 26” x 12”
 HeartAttack, 2011, Thrift store velvet, felting, polyfil, 72” x 48” x 24”
 Ligaments and Ligatures, installation view, Estevan Art Gallery and Museum.
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